Just because the site has some native Bremertonians on it doesn't mean any one of us is dumb enough to like MxPx (MxPx slam count: 1). By the way, save yourself some time -- DON'T move to Bremerton. Ever. Trust us on this one. Steve and I will probably disagree on Pearl Jam from time to time, but all of us agree that MxPx is crap (slam count: 2).
And yes, I think we may keep a running tally of the number of times we slam MxPx, who by the way, AREN'T from Bremerton -- they never went to Bremerton High School. I know they have some Central Kitsap graduates in the band. You know where Central Kitsap High School is? SILVERDALE (slam count: 3).
There's the first true vent of the board. I can feel it. This is going to be incredibly fun. Talk about stress relief. YEAH!!!!
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