Wednesday, October 29, 2003


Stone Temple Pilots/Velvet Revolver lead singer Scott Weiland is in trouble again, this time getting arrested for driving under the influence.

Weiland was involved in a car accident in L.A. on Monday morning, with his 2001 BMW striking a parked van. He wasn't arrested for the accident itself, he was arrested for driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Weiland has been in legal trouble for years now, most notably for his drug and alcohol abuse. He was just in court last week when the judge told him that if he isn't clean at his next checkup, "his freedom could be revoked."

This guy just doesn't get it at all. He has all the talent in the world and yet, he's willing to throw it all away, and for what? Drugs and alcohol? That's cowardly in my opinion.

In related news, STP will release their greatest hits album, "Thank You", next Tuesday, Nov. 4. The only reason to get it would be to hear the new track "All In The Suit You Wear", but if you own all of STP's albums, then there is no huge reason to get the greatest hits album. Besides, it will be marked down in price within a year. No need to pay full price for it now.


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